Embark on a journey of discovery + creativity

Step away from the ordinary with Finding Your Thinplace Retreats and Pilgrimages, where sacred and beautiful places offer rest, renewal, and joy. Where the journey is an immersive experience that refreshes your spirit, inspires creativity, and helps you reconnect with yourself and God. Leave the noise behind and discover a deeper sense of peace and purpose. You’re invited on a journey of discovery.

Upcoming Experiences

Moored sailboats off shore of Iona

Scotland - Isle of Iona

September 1-9, 2025

Discover Iona, a beautiful Scottish island where the veil between heaven and earth is thin. Reconnect with yourself and God in this special place where people have prayed for almost 1500 years! We'll stay in the cozy St. Columba Hotel, explore the historic island, share wonderful meals, and have plenty of time to just be.

California Wine Country

2026 Dates Coming Soon!

Rest, explore, create, and connect with yourself and God in the heart of Sonoma County, California. Experience the warm hospitality and delicious meals of The Bishop's Ranch, with activities including wine tasting, art, yoga, and hiking.

What’s a thinplace?

‘Thinplace’ is the Celtic Christian term for the places where the veil between heaven and earth are thin. In these sacred spaces, where the two realms seem to touch, one can experience The Holy more easily.

Smiling woman by the sea

Meet Lilly, Curator + Guide

Lilly Lewin has been leading people to discover their thinplace and embark on pilgrimages since 2001. As a worship curator, author, artist, and creator of sacred space experiences, she has spent over two decades designing experiential worship for retreats, conferences, and churches around the world. Lilly sees life as a pilgrim’s journey and believes that rest is holy. Her unique expertise and love for beautiful places make her an ideal guide for any retreat or pilgrimage.

  • "Lilly is a fantastic retreat leader. She goes above and beyond to create a space for you to experience God through creative experiences and expressions of faith. Your cup will be full after time away on a retreat with Lilly."

    Emily, Retreatant

  • "I signed up for a Finding Your Thinplace retreat as a gift to myself during a challenging time. Throughout the retreat God spoke to me through the various experiential worship exercises, the quiet times at the beautiful setting, through music and the interactions with other participants and even after the official retreat was over."

    Karen, Wine Country Retreat Participant

  • "Lilly intuitively sets a table for people to feast on the beauty and mystery of the divine."

    Mike King, President of Youthfront, Kansas City, KS

  • "Pilgrimage to Iona provided space for me to meet God in new ways. During the time in this beautiful place, with the community, and through the activities, I was able to step back from my daily routines to see and hear how God might be inviting me to walk more deeply into God’s story and leave some of the false narratives that had been constricting my life."

    Jamie Noyd, Scottish Pilgrimage participant

  • "Lilly is simply one of the most prayerfully creative people I know."

    Rev. Martin Poole, Worship Coordinator Greenbelt Festival, St. Luke's Prestonville, UK

  • "Lilly created an opportunity to do guided meditation, journaling, to create artistically or in writing, to discuss, and build new relationships. There is also opportunity for free time as well as an excursion or two to special featured places. I highly recommend [these retreats] as an opportunity for spiritual restoration and possibly even some spiritual reformation."

    June, Wine Country Retreat Participant

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30, The Message.